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DYANCHINAMA : Ekti Smritir Pratnasandhaan

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DYANCHINAMA : Ekti Smritir Pratnasandhaan

Parimal Bhattacharya

Regular Price: ₹275.00

Special Price ₹220.00

Availability: In stock

It began as a travelogue narrating the wanderings of three young men in the tense, forested heartland of Chhotonagpur in early 1990s. Looking back, it has turned out to be a site of buried memories, personal and collective – of famine, Partition, Naxalite movement in 1970s, and the shadows and echoes of a lost era. Fashioned out of diverse materials that include memoirs, gazetteers, a journal and vintage photographs, this book inhabits the unclassifiable and provocative space between history and fiction, autobiography and narrative non-fiction. Reading it is like stepping into the unsettling three-dimensional world of an art installation.

Click here to read an excerpt from the book.

First edition : December 2012, Second Edition: Dec.2015, Fifth Print: June 2024, ISBN 978-93-80732-25-1, 160 pages, Paperback, 21.5 x 14cm.

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It began as a travelogue narrating the wanderings of three young men in the tense, forested heartland of Chhotonagpur in early 1990s. Looking back, it has turned out to be a site of buried memories, personal and collective – of famine, Partition, Naxalite movement in 1970s, and the shadows and echoes of a lost era. Fashioned out of diverse materials that include memoirs, gazetteers, a journal and vintage photographs, this book inhabits the unclassifiable and provocative space between history and fiction, autobiography and narrative non-fiction. Reading it is like stepping into the unsettling three-dimensional world of an art installation.

Click here to read an excerpt from the book.

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eBook Link No
eBook Price No
Author Parimal Bhattacharya
First Edition First edition : December 2012, Second Edition: Dec.2015, Fifth Print: June 2024, ISBN 978-93-80732-25-1, 160 pages, Paperback, 21.5 x 14cm.

Customer Reviews 1 item(s)

History looked at freshly
Evocative,nostalgic, thought provoking.... compelling you to dig deeper and do some research, even if it’s only with the help of google.Ended up asking a lot of questions to the seniors in my extended family.Superb. I only hope it never goes out of print.... have a lot of gifting to do Review by Mou / (Posted on 6/13/2020)