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Agranthita Bitarka

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Agranthita Bitarka

Debiprosad Chattopadhya, Edited by Ramkrishna Bhattacharya and Maloyendu Dinda


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The book contains letters and long rejoinders written by Debiprosad Chattopadhya in response to the articles of Satindranth Chakrabarti and Rabindra Gupta (pseudonym of Bhowani Sen). Two interviews with Chattopadhya and an unfinished memoirs are also included.

Click here to read an excerpt from the book.

First edition : November 2012, Second Print : August 2019, ISBN 978-93-80732-21-3, 176 pages, Paperback, 21.5 x 14 cm.

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The book contains letters and long rejoinders written by Debiprosad Chattopadhya in response to the articles of Satindranth Chakrabarti and Rabindra Gupta (pseudonym of Bhowani Sen). Two interviews with Chattopadhya and an unfinished memoirs are also included.

Click here to read an excerpt from the book.

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Author Debiprosad Chattopadhya, Edited by Ramkrishna Bhattacharya and Maloyendu Dinda
First Edition First edition : November 2012, Second Print : August 2019, ISBN 978-93-80732-21-3, 176 pages, Paperback, 21.5 x 14 cm.

Customer Reviews 1 item(s)

অগ্রন্থিত বিতর্ক
‘রবীন্দ্র গুপ্ত (ভবানী সেন) ও সতীন্দ্রনাথ চক্রবর্তীর সঙ্গে দেবীপ্রসাদ চট্টোপাধ্যায়ের বিতর্কগুলি রামকৃষ্ণ ভট্টাচার্য ও মলয়েন্দু দিন্দার সম্পাদনায় গ্রন্থিত হল তাঁর আগ্রন্থিত বিতর্ক-এ’ Review by আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা / (Posted on 9/29/2019)