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Mudraner Sanskriti O Bangla Boi

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Mudraner Sanskriti O Bangla Boi

Edited by Swapan Chakravorty

Regular Price: ₹450.00

Special Price ₹360.00

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The publication of Bengali books has a history of more than two hundred and twenty five years. Our colonial inheritance and the construction of our modernity are integrally related to the history of print culture. It is nearly impossible to talk about our culture without any reference to the history and evolution of the printed books. The contributors include Anisujjaman, Goutam Bhadra, Alok Roy, Shamik Bandopadhyay and Ashis Khastogir.

First Published: December 2007, Third Print: Nov. 2023, ISBN 978-81-904755-4-9, 292p, Paperback, 21.5 x 14cm.


Author's other books



DELHI VISWAVIDYALAY-ER NAROSINHA DAS PUROSKAR PRAPTO The publication of Bengali books has a history of more than two hundred and twenty five years. Our colonial inheritance and the construction of our modernity are integrally related to the history of print culture. It is nearly impossible to talk about our culture without any reference to the history and evolution of the printed books. The contributors include Anisujjaman, Goutam Bhadra, Alok Roy, Shamik Bandopadhyay and Ashis Khastogir.
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Author Edited by Swapan Chakravorty
First Edition First Published: December 2007, Third Print: Nov. 2023, ISBN 978-81-904755-4-9, 292p, Paperback, 21.5 x 14cm.

Customer Reviews 1 item(s)

মূল্যবান চিন্তার হদিস
‘গবেষক ও প্রাবন্ধিকরা বাংলা বই-এর আদিকাল, বাংলা হরফের ইতিহাস, বানান-সংকট, বইয়ের বাজার, বাংলা ভাষার সম্পাদনা, প্রচ্ছদ, বাংলা পঠনপাঠন ঃ প্রতিটি বিষয়েই মূল্যবান চিন্তার হদিস দিয়েছেন।‘ Review by আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা / (Posted on 9/29/2019)